Privacy Policy

Penha Group’s Privacy Policy (“PENHA”) was developed in order to prove our commitment to the security and privacy of the information collected from users in our contents. Visitors to this website can learn about our services, obtain information and news, without providing their personal information.

Should there be a need to provide some information, this policy has the ability to clarify how such data is collected and treated individually, therefore, it is recommended to periodically check this policy, which is subject to change without any prior notice.

Information that users may provide will be collected and stored in accordance with strict standards of security and confidentiality provided by law, about which users will be informed.

In any case, in order to collect such information, users will be informed about which information will be collected before the moment of such collection, being exclusively under the responsibility of the user the choice to provide or not this information.

It should also be clarified that the user will also be responsible for the consequences of his/her decision, unless a legal or judicial order is issued, otherwise the user’s information will not be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was collected.

The data collected are restricted to authorized collaborators for the proper use of such information, and those collaborators who misuse such data, infringing this Privacy Policy, will be subject to the penalties of the legally accepted disciplinary process.

The Code of Conduct of PENHA provides about the commitment of the company to the privacy and confidentiality of the information collected from its stakeholders, namely: customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and any other public with whom it may eventually relate.

To consult the Code of Conduct, which is the appropriate channel for registering issues related to the safeguarding of this data, it is available at: and e-mail: [email protected] by telephone 0800 173642.

PENHA reiterates its ethical commitment to safeguarding the integrity, confidentiality of identity and data provided by visitors in our channels.

Whenever other companies are contracted to provide support services to PENHA, they will be required to comply with the privacy standards set out in current legislation.

PENHA may have access to the information collected by “cookies” present in the websites directed by these links. For administrative purposes, eventually, PENHA may use “cookies”, and the user may, at any time, activate mechanisms in his browser to inform him when these are activated or to prevent them from being activated.

For further information regarding the terms and conditions of use of this website are available in our Terms and Conditions of Use.