Grupo Penha - Certifications

Penha Group is committed to the environment and to the quality of its products, which are attested by means of important certifications recognized worldwide by the market. Check our certifications:

ISO 9001:

We have a Quality Management System with standardized work processes, defined through documents and records based on ISO 9001. In this way, we manage the business to ensure that customers needs are understood, accepted and met; bringing confidence and peace of mind to stakeholders regarding the fulfillment of their quality requirements.

ISO 14.001: 

Based on this standard, we have implemented the Environmental Management System, reinforcing our commitment to develop the framework for environmental protection and rapid response to changing environmental conditions, monitoring our aspects and minimizing possible impacts. Thus, we demonstrate our commitment to being an environmentally sustainable and responsible company in order to favour an ecologically balanced environment for current and future generations.

Selo FSC

Search for our FSC® products.


Demonstrating their social and environmental concern in the corrugated cardboard production chain, the Penha Group’s paper and cardboard production units are FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) certified, ensuring that the products meet the requirements of responsible management throughout the chain of custody, that is, from the raw material to the final product.


Certification of standards

Feira de Santana

Certification of standards

Coronel Vivida

Standard certification

Santo Amaro

Standard certification


Standard certification